Friday, December 08, 2006

8.5 weeks old...time flies

I am a little behind in posting any pictures. Life gets a little busy with 4 short people in the house! Corbin is 8.5 weeks! He is a big boy! 14lbs 1 ounce. That puts him in the 95%! I kept telling Fred he was a fatty! Not Fred, Corbin!:)
He is smiling and cooing all the time. It is so sweet and makes me feel appreciated:)
Chloe turned 4 on the 6th! She is such a big girl. She was VERY confused about turning 4 on Wednesday and her birthday party being Saturday. She also was VERY sad today when she got her shots. Afterwards she looked at the two, very nice, nurses and said, "I don't like them anymore!" I felt so bad for her.
She only wanted to go see my dr and his nurses afterwards. She had me so heart broken I almost took her to my drs office just to make her happy. However, a diversion to candy seemed to work.
L&A are good as well. Laurel like to sit on everyone lately, and Anabelle just tries to repeat everything we say!

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